Discover Three Mouth-Watering Techniques to Maximize Your Extra Brewed Coffee

Discover Three Mouth-Watering Techniques to Maximize Your Extra Brewed Coffee

As a coffee lover, I always find myself brewing way more coffee than I can actually drink. Whenever this happens, I hate the thought of wasting perfectly good coffee. After a bit of experimentation, I've found three irresistible ways to use leftover brewed coffee.

Creamer being poured into iced coffee on counter with plants in background

Firstly, I love to use leftover coffee to make iced coffee. I simply pour the coffee into a jar, add some ice cubes and a little bit of milk, and shake it all up. It's the perfect pick-me-up on a hot day, and it saves me from having to make a fresh pot of coffee.

Coffee Cubes in White Ice Cube Tray on Wooden Counter

Secondly, I like to use leftover coffee to make coffee ice cubes. Whenever I have some leftover coffee, I pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze it. Then, whenever I want to make an iced coffee, I simply add the coffee ice cubes to my glass, pour over some fresh coffee, and add a little bit of milk. It's a great way to add some extra flavor to my iced coffee.

Tiramisu with ladyfingers

Lastly, I like to use leftover coffee to make tiramisu. This classic Italian dessert is made with layers of ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, and coffee-soaked sponge cake. Using leftover coffee to make the coffee-soaked sponge cake is a great way to add extra flavor to the dessert.

So there you have it, three irresistible ways to use leftover brewed coffee. Whether it's making iced coffee, coffee ice cubes, or tiramisu, there's no need to let that extra coffee go to waste!